Y2K Psilocybin Services

Be Our Client

Psilocybin services are a groundbreaking new experience for people over the age of 21.Without a need for a prescription, clients book a Preparation, Administration, and Integration session with the same licensed Facilitator.Our mission is to create a sanctuary for all people to grow without financial burden while maintaining respectful practice with the sacred mushroom we are privileged to use on Native land.Please add yourself to our mailing list to hear the latest updates.

Y2K Team

Sydney Morrison (she/they/he) is a 3rd year in Yale College whose Film & Media studies crystallize an understanding of psilocybin as a media object. She is a confirmed member of Oakland’s Sacred Garden Community where she interned to learn about psychedelic best practices and many different types of entheogens.

Eduardo Castro Muñoz is a first-year PhD student in the Physics program at Yale. Eduardo joined Y2K in the summer of 2023 to develop the manufacturing side of the startup.

Adriana Abad Castro is a Neuroscience and Education Studies major in Yale College who is currently doing research on genetic markers for SIMs. An immigrant from Ecuador, her interests include herbal medicine in Latin America, integrative medicine and disability studies which contribute to Y2K’s ethics of healing.

Alika Ting is a junior at Yale College studying Ecology and Evolutionary Biology who addresses sustainability and manufacturing at Y2K. She is passionate about the environment, mental health, food, music, and nature.


Schedule a Session

We are not yet booking sessions. Groups can have a maximum size of 25 clients. Groups may experience less-intense personal doses on a scale, increasing to a maximum individual solo dose of 50mg of psilocybin. Sessions range by intensity from 1 hour to 6 hours.

Let's Connect

Please contact us if you have any questions or comments.If you're interested in a career in psilocybin, please click on the mushroom to find a list of Oregon government-approved facilitator training courses.